Thursday, November 02, 2006

Press Release That Went to Local Media Over Past Two Days

High school and middle school members of Friendship Lutheran Church, 1300 White Oak Road in Pierce Township, are participating in a community service mission trip in upstate New York next June. During their week in New York, the twenty-member contingent may do anything from cleaning and repairing the home of a hospitalized person to providing programming for a community outreach to children or working in a nursing home. To help pay for this venture, Friendship's youth and adults have scheduled two several special fundraising events, with more to follow.

On Saturday, November 11, youth and adult volunteers will be cooking and selling hot dogs, among other things, at Sam's Club, Clepper Lane, in the Eastgate area. The cookout happens from 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM. Money raised will go toward paying for registration and other expenses associated with the trip.

The same is true of another event the Friendship youth and adults have scheduled. On Thursday, November 16, from 5:00 to 9:00 PM, they'll be serving dinner and refreshments at TGIFriday's at the Anderson Towne Centre. All tips given by restaurant patrons will go toward the mission trip.

"We hope that our many friends in the community will support our youth's mission effort by getting a hot dog outside of Sam's on November 11 or dinner at TGIFriday's on November 16," says Friendship's pastor, Mark Daniels of Union Township.

Friendship's youth, like the rest of the congregation, have a commitment to service as a way of sharing Christ's love with others. After a recent gift shower at the church, Friendship's youth packed 26 duffel and baby bags. The bags were given to CASA for Clermont Kids!, which in turn gave the bags--filled with things toys, shampoo, blankets, and sleepers, to children who have to be taken to foster homes. Friendship's youth have "adopted" the Clermont CASA organization. (CASA stands for Court Appointed Special Advocates.)

This year's officers at Friendship include: Courtney DeVore of Pierce Township, president; Justin Feine of Pierce Township, vice president; Laura Kuebel of Pierce Township, secretary; and Sean Daniher of Union Township, treasurer.

Friendship Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Worship celebrations are held at the church building on Saturdays at 5:30 PM and Sundays at 10:00 AM. Sunday School and nursery care are provided during the Sunday worship time.

For more information on the youth mission trip, feel free to call the church office at 602-5265.

[Make sure you invite as many friends as you can for these two events!]


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